Location & Accomodation

The HaPoC2015 conference is located in Pisa, the cradle of Italian computer science: here the first Italian computers were designed in the mid-Fifties and the first Master course in informatics was established in 1969. The Museum of Computing Machinery (Museo degli Strumenti per il Calcolo), part of the University of Pisa, shows some artefacts from the early days of Italian CS, as well a selection of personal computing machines. Besides its artistic attractions, among them the world-famous leaning tower, during the days of the conference Pisa will host the Internet Festival, devoted to all the aspects of the net (http://www.internetfestival.it)

Here is a map of the hotels near the Museum:

We reserved some rooms at the Residence "Le Benedettine", a beautiful former monastery, where the guests speakers are hosted.
In the map  it is the red dot below the Museum, on the other side of the river.
The rooms are assigned on a first come-first served. Please contact directly the desk.


Here is the San Matteo Museum, location of the tour of Friday and also of the HaPoC General Assembly, which will be held immediatly before the tour and will be open to all

Here is the location of the social dinner of Friday:

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